Prevention of Emergency Density With Triage: Simulation-Based Analysis and a Model Proposal


  • ABDURRAHMAN İSKENDER Sivas Cumhuriyet University
  • Adem Tüzemen Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Sciences



The rapid increase in emergency department admissions often leads to overcrowding, leading to disruptions in treatments, an increase in workload, a decrease in service quality, and the emergence of administrative difficulties. As in all service sectors, it is extremely important to make appropriate planning to provide quality and timely service in health enterprises. This study, conducted in a public hospital emergency department, proposes a new triage practice in emergency departments. According to the proposed triage practice, the duration of the patients' stay in the emergency room and the waiting time between processes are shortened, and appropriate personnel planning that will not endanger the health and safety of the patients has been arranged. According to the simulation data created based on the recommended triage practice, it was determined that the duration of stay of yellow-tagged patients in the emergency room could decrease by 44.45% and by 83.44% in the waiting time in the first examination queue. In addition, with the new personnel plan, it is foreseen that 20.24% of the working hours of the doctor, 30% of the working hours of the nurse, 40% of the working hours of the medical secretary, and 50% of the working hours of the registry staff can be achieved.





İSKENDER, A., & Tüzemen, A. (2023). Prevention of Emergency Density With Triage: Simulation-Based Analysis and a Model Proposal. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 13(1), 379–409.


