A Qualitative Study on the Pride Notion of Tourism and Hospitality Students in Turkey


  • Ferika ÖZER SARI Yasar University
  • Murat NAZLI

Ключові слова:

Tourism & Hospitality, Pride, Students’ perceptions


Tourism, as a sociological, psychological, economic and environmental phenomenon, has various impacts on the perceptions of both visitors and residents of a destination due to the interaction between hosts and guests. Besides, tourism industry poses a challenge of attracting and retaining quality employees for an increasing number of tourism and hospitality businesses on both international and national scales. In this research, a qualitative approach is used to analyse the sense of pride and Young Turks’ willingness to work in the tourism industry as well as their job preferences. Results revealed that among 50 interviewed respondents, 48 percent have the tendency to give up working in the tourism and hospitality industry due to late working hours, tough working conditions, low wages, lack of holidays, lack of caring employees and lack of professionalism. Pride really matters for the 37 percent of respondents who mentioned that the feeling of pride had an influence on their decision of staying in the hospitality industry.

Біографія автора

Ferika ÖZER SARI, Yasar University

Assistant Professor Dr., Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences




Як цитувати

ÖZER SARI, F., & NAZLI, M. (2014). A Qualitative Study on the Pride Notion of Tourism and Hospitality Students in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 3(3-4), 47–67. вилучено із http://www.ijceas.com/index.php/ijceas/article/view/82




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