The Analysis and Impact of Remanufacturing Industry Practices


  • Ibrahim GURLER Gediz University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Industrial Engineering

Słowa kluczowe:

Remanufacture, Remanufacturing Industry, Environmental Impact, End-of-Life


Remanufacturing is a process of bringing used products to "like-new" functional state with warranty to match. Remanufacturing industry is rapidly emerging as an important form of waste prevention and environmentally conscious manufacturing. Products are remanufactured through a series of industrial processes including disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reconditioning, reassembly and testing.

The objective of this paper is to review the literature available and examine the terminology surrounding remanufacture, and establish definitions for the various processes such as recycling, refurbishing and reconditioning that are used synonymously. Secondly, via a review of industrial practice, the key business drivers faced by the remanufacturing industry are presented.




Jak cytować

GURLER, I. (2011). The Analysis and Impact of Remanufacturing Industry Practices. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 1(1), 25–39. Pobrano z


